As reported from NCBI with a study on types of fat intake and BMI relation to obesity, 

There are 3 different types of body fat that are stored in the body.

 Brown fat- which can burn calories and maintains body warmth. It has even been proven to burn white fat.
 White fat - which produces a hormone called adiponectin which stimulates liver and muscle cells to be more sensitive to insulin effects, which decreases chances of diseases like diabetes and obesity.
Visceral fat - Which occurs in the belly and other parts which is harmful to our body and play a large role in insulin resistance which leads to diabetes and other liver disorders.

NCBI article Link: Last accessed 14/1/2013 
Non-Scientific Link:

1/17/2013 11:34:03 am

is brown fat unsaturated fat? what can we eat to get brown fat?

Nice blog!


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