Study done by NCBI on olive oil polyphenols hydroxytyrosol were done by a group of scientists in 2011. 
Human keratinocytes were grown in appropriate medium  and cultured in various concentration os hydroxytyrosol  and cell cycles were analysed by flow cytometry to count the number of cells in each phrase.
The growth and health of these cells were tested by various methods including yH2AX immunofluorescence, clonogenic survival.
Generally results were shown that cells cultured in presence of hydroxytyrosol were more radiation resistant. They showed characteristics like increased expression of genes of DNA replication, repair gene Artemis,( which plays a major role as a nuclease and DNA repair pathway), changes in inflammatory associated genes and upregulation of pro-inflammatory cytokines which are beneficial to mitochondrial signalling.

Other important findings relevant to our project is the fact that there is increased breakdown of heme, which is available in blood, due to a 15.5 times upregulation of enzyme heme oxygenase (HO-1). which is a pro-oxidant and indicative of liver health. Biliverdin, which breaks down to bilirubin is usually tested in liver health tests in urine samples where positive samples indicate some sort of liver disease like NAFLD. 
Thus the upregulation of enzyme HO-1 produces a reduction in oxidative stress.
Glutaredoxin has also been proven to have increased levels, where its functions are to reduce oxidative stress by protecting thiol bonds. 
Glutathione peroxidase 3 is also another antioxidant enzyme which has seen an increase, involved in catalysing the reduction of NAD, quiones, which are all available in the respiratory pathways.

Thus overall indicating that olive oil has a beneficial effect as a dietary supplement for obesity patients and patients with mitochondrial and fatty acid disorders.

Last Accessed 14/01/2013. Haloom Rafehi,1,2 Andrea J. Smith,3 Aneta Balcerczyk,4 Mark Ziemann,4 Jenny Ooi,4 Shanon J. Loveridge,1,4 Emma K. Baker,4,7 Assam El-Osta,2,4,5,6 and Tom C. Karagiannis1,2. (2011). Investigation into the biological properties of the olive polyphenol, hydroxytyrosol: mechanistic insights by genome-wide mrna-seq analysis. Retrieved from http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3316757/

Mitochondria Image: http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-GWDahOB2IFk/T5jgR593gBI/AAAAAAAABQg/O4GJ00nPsjk/s1600/Mitochondria.jpg

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