Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease  (NAFLD) 
Healthy liver has little or no fat, in NAFLD 5% of hepatocytes show lipid droplets exciding 5-10% of liver weight
most people with NAFLD may show no syntom and no complications.

Important key factors
-type 2 diabetes
-Genetic factors 

-exercise intolerance
-vague abdominal pain in the right upper quadrant

Diagnosis of NAFLD
Blood tests
Liver ultrasound, an imaging procedure, where shape & consistency of liver is shown
liver biopsy is used for some cases which there is a need for definite diagnosis. And defining stage ans severity of inflamation
Stages of NAFLD

Stage 1: simple fatty liver
Excess fat builds up in the liver cells. Usually no symptoms shown

Stage 2: non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH)
Only few people develop to stage 2. at this stage it is more aggressive (liver inflamed)
May have a dull pain in top right of abdomen

Stage 3: fibrosis
Persistent inflammation leading to generation of fibrous tissue replacing healthy tissue
liver has enough tissue to operate normally.

Stage 4: cirrhosis
Most server stage. Liver shrinks and becomes clumpy. occur after the age of 50-60 due to prolonged inflammation. Often also leads to type 2 diabetes. Damage is permanent.

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